Sunday, May 5, 2013


Sweet'ums the cat died this morning. Wounded by something, don't know what. This is the feral cat that Mama had been feeding for years, and I've been feeding since moving in with her. He would let us about as close as 3 feet, so this morning was the first time I ever got to pet him. Bawling my eyes out. (Sweet'ums picture is on the back of my cookbook, Rustic Breads and Spreads. He was a sweet natured, beautiful cat!)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Invisible Bridge

Anyone who has read my book, "The Invisible Bridge," knows that I started writing it two days after my husband's funeral.  What I probably didn't mention was how often he and I used to go to the local Huddle House!  We both loved to eat out, and that seemed to be his favorite place to go!

Mama and I haven't eaten there much, today was probably only the third or fourth time since Odie's death.  Combine that with the oldies music they usually play - much of it from the seventies or early eighties when Odie and I were either dating or just married - and the fact that I haven't been able to get him off my mind for the last two days - and I'll admit that it was just a bit difficult for me to maintain my equilibrium.

Impossible to say how much I still miss him!  Next month would have been our 37th wedding anniversary, y'all.  So for those who are wondering - after about a year and a half, it's better, it gets easier to be a widow, you might even go for days or weeks without a sad thought.  That doesn't mean it won't all come crashing down around you occasionally. 

Especially if you're approaching a wedding anniversary!